Editorial board disclosure policy
(Last updated January 2024)
All editors responsible for recommending or making publication decisions are requested to disclose on an annual basis any potential conflict of interest, including current or recent financial relationships with any commercial entity whose products or services may be contained in the journal content.
The following competing interests were disclosed:
Alexander Bartelt – Dr Bartelt has received consulting fees for NHCO, Germany.
Justin Davies – Professor Davies is a medical advisor to the following patient support groups: (1) Child growth foundation and (2) CAH support group. He has received travel bursaries from Novo Nordisk, SANDOZ and Pfizer, and has undertaken one-off consultancy work for Kywoa Kirin. He is an Associate Editor for Journal of clinical research in paediatric endocrinology and Journal of paediatric endocrinology and metabolism.
Steve Franks – Professor Franks is a Trustee, Genesis Research Trust (Imperial College; unpaid). Personal fees: Fee for grant review panel membership, Swedish Research Council 2020. Involvement with other peer-reviewed publications: Associate Editor, Reproduction.
Claus Gravholt – Dr Gravholt has received honororia from Merck and Novo Nordisk.
Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk – Professor Hubalewska-Dydejczyk has received consultancy fees and fees for lectures from IPSEN, Pfizer, Berlin Chemie/Menarini, Merck and IPSA.
Jens Otto Jorgensen – Dr Jorgensen is on the advisory board of Novo Nordisk and has received lecture fees from Pfizer, IPSEN and Novo Nordisk.
Jolanta Krajewska – Dr Krajewska has received consulting fees from LOXO, Exelixis, Bayer Health Care and Ewopharma, as well as honoraria from Sanofi-Genzyme, Ipsen, AstraZeneca, Eisai, Exelixis and Lilly.
George Mastorakos – Professor Mastorakos has received payment for lectures from Novartis-Hellas, Rafarm and Unipharma.
Andreas Meinhardt – Professor Meinhardt holds a patent for the Immunologic test for the detection of autoantibodies against testicular antigens: International patent (US 2011/0269157 A1), as well as the patent for Medical use of the ribosomal proteins S19 (RPS19). German Patent office (DE 10 2008 063 046.2; Date: 23.12.2008).
Antonio McCarthy – Dr McCarthy holds research grant Nº PICT-2015-1361, awarded by the Argentine Ministry of Science and Technology. He is also a Full Professor employed by the National University of La Plata, and Medical Director of a public General Hospital employed by the Buenos Aires province Ministry of Health. He has received financial support for Metformin HCl research projects. This is supplied by Laboratorios Montpellier, Argentina. Alendronate is provided by Laboratorios ELEA, Argentina. Ranelic acid is provided by Servier Laboratories, France.
Henrik Oster – Dr Oster is named as an inventor in a patent covering the manipulation of glucocorticoid rhythms for the treatment of jetlag. He has received honoraria from Shire Pharma for talks.
Valdis Pirags – Professor Pirags has received personal fees for lectures from Novo Nordisk and Servier.
Ute Scholl – Professor Scholl has a patent on WO 2018/213690 A1: Compositions and Methods for Diagnosing and Treating Diseases and Disorders Associated with Mutant KCNJ5, as well as 2011/0195863 A1: Loss of Function mutations in KCNJ10 cause SeSAME, a human syndrome with sensory, neurological and renal deficits.
Viral Shah – Dr Shah receives/received research grant support through the University of Colorado Denver from Dexcom, Sanofi, NovoNordisk, Eli-Lilly, Insulet, Abbott, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and National institute of Health (NIH). He has also received honoraria for speaking or advisory board through University of Colorado Denver from Dexcom, Sanofi, Medscape and Insulet. Dr Shah does/did not receive any financial support directly from any of the listed companies above.
Massimo Terzolo – Professor Terzolo has received honoraria from pharma rare diseases advisory board, as well as pharma rare diseases.
Stelios Tsagarakis – Dr Tsagarakis has received research grants for clinical trials from Novartis, Strongbridge and Crinetics. He has also received speaker fees from Recordati, advisory fees from Pfizer,and a travel grant from Ipsen.
The following editors reported no competing interests:
- Sara Ahmadi
- Paloma Alonso-Magdalena
- Eduardo Arzt
- Claire Higham
- Charlotte Höybye
- Kok Onn Lee
- Keely Mcnamara
- Claudia Pellizas
- Robert Rapaport
- Claudia Sedlinsky
- Jiang-Ning Zhou
Bioscientifica staff and freelancers working on the journal reported no conflicts of interest. Article authors' declarations are stated in each journal article. Referees must disclose any competing interests before agreeing to review any submission. For more information on the journal’s ethical policy, please read the ethical guidelines.
This policy follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).