Author guidelines
Editorial Process
Submission Checklist
Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscript Categories
Supplementary Data
Editorial Policies
Editorial Process
Peer review
Authors are entitled to appeal against a rejection decision made by a journal. Appeals should be submitted to the journal email address. We must receive your valid appeal within four weeks of the original decision, otherwise it will not be considered. An appeal is considered to be an extension of the peer review process and so you should not submit your article to another publication whilst an appeal is ongoing.
To be considered, appeals must directly address the reason(s) given for the initial rejection decision. If reviewer reports were included with the decision letter, then these criticisms must be responded to in the appeal, however you should not prepare and submit a revised version of your article with the appeal. Appeals that are received late, do not address reviewers’ criticisms, are dismissive of the reviewer comments, or contain offensive language will not be considered.
Valid appeals will be sent to a member of the journal’s Editorial Board for consideration. Where possible, an independent member of the Editorial Board who was not connected to the original decision will oversee the appeal.
If successful, an appeal may result in the decision being rescinded and a continuation of the peer-review process. If the appeal is rejected, then the original rejection decision is upheld and no further consideration of that article is possible.
Submission Checklist
Your article
- Structure – Ensure the submission is structured as requested by the journal, and contains all relevant sections. See ‘Preparation of Manuscripts’ for further details.
- Title page – All submissions must have a title page stating all of the relevant information. See ’General’ for further details.
- Format – All submissions should follow the journal guidelines for word count, page margins and line numbering. See ‘General’ for further details.
- Language – Non-native English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission. This is particular key for revised submissions. Click here for full details of our recommended English Language Editing Services.
- Reported data – Data accuracy is crucial. Authors are strongly encouraged to double-check all reported data for accuracy and to confirm that all units of measurement are correct and consistent.
- References – Please see ‘References’ for full details of the journal’s required style.
- Graphics – All figures and tables should be presented in a clear and informative manner with accompanying legends.
- Ethical compliance – All articles are required to meet the requirements outlined in our ethical policy. Ensure you have included all relevant ethical approval statements.
- Permissions – Please ensure that all permissions have been obtained for any tables, figures, or any other item reproduced from previously published content. For more information, see the journal's permissions page.
Before submitting
- Approval – Ensure all authors have seen and approved the final version of the article prior to submission. All authors must also approve the journal you are submitting to.
- Open access – The appropriate open-access licence must be selected on submission. Authors are responsible for ensuring any funder mandates are followed. For further details, please see the open-access policy.
- Charges – Endocrine Connections is an online-only, open-access publication, and an article publication charge (APC) is payable upon acceptance. Members of the Society for Endocrinology and the European Society for Endocrinology are entitled to a discount on the final APC. Full details are available on our publication charges page.
Uploading your submission
- Author list – All authors must be listed on the title page and entered on the ScholarOne Manuscripts submission in the correct order. Ensure all author email addresses provided are valid. Author information entered into ScholarOne Manuscripts will be used to generate PubMed listings for published papers.
- Cover letter – This letter should introduce your paper and outline why your work is important and suitable publication at this time.
- File formats – Ensure all files are in the correct format for revised submissions. See ‘General’ for further instructions.
- Figures and tables – Ensure all figures and table files are present and correct, and that they display clearly in the PDF proof.
User account details
All submitting authors are required to link their ScholarOne account with their ORCID iD. The system will prompt the author to do this when creating the submission.
The journal also requests that all authors identified as ‘corresponding authors’ create and link an ORCID iD with their account on ScholarOne prior to article acceptance. We also encourage contributing authors to associate an ORCID iD with their ScholarOne account. Author ORCID iDs will be displayed on the published article.
Author email addresses
The journal requires an institutional email address is associated with the account of both the submitting author and corresponding author; please edit the associated ScholarOne accounts to include this before pressing 'submit'. Alternatively please provide an explanation as to why this is not available to the Editorial Office by contacting
This policy has been adopted in order to verify the authenticity of article submissions and protect the integrity of Endocrine Connections.
Preparation of Manuscripts
- Be concise and clear.
- Be limited to 5000 words for Research submissions. For information on other manuscript types please see the relevant section below.
- Display the word count on the title page.
- Contain no more than 10 figures and 60 references as recommended by the journal.
- Use double line spacing throughout (including reference list and figure legends), and contain continuous line numbering down the left side of each page.
- Define all abbreviations when first mentioned.
- Be submitted in the correct file type, i.e. main document in an editable Word format.
- Be written in either UK or US English.
- Contain a title page.
- Please be aware that the combined size of your files should not exceed 40 MB.
- For article text: txt, doc, docx, rtf. We are unable to accept PDF files for article text for revised manuscripts but can do so for first submissions
- For figures: eps, tiff, jpg, pdf
Manuscript Categories
1. Title Page
- Title (maximum 85 characters)
- All authors names and full addresses
- Corresponding author’s postal and email address
- A short title (maximum 46 characters, including spaces)
- A minimum of four keywords describing the manuscript
- Word count of the full article, excluding references and figure legends
2. Abstract
3. Plain Language Summary (optional)
Endocrine Connections allows authors the option of including a “Plain Language Summary” for their manuscript.
The Plain Language Summary, with a maximum of 280 character (roughly 40-70 words), is intended for the general public or for those working outside of the immediate field. The summary will be used for promotional purposes, and will increase the reach of your article through the use of social media sites such as X, LinkedIn, and in our journal newsletters.
If you wish to include a Plain Language Summary, this should be within your main manuscripts document, underneath the Abstract.
As such, it needs to be accessible to all, explaining the general point(s) of the paper, and written without use of jargon; use of abbreviations is also strongly discouraged. The content of the summary must reflect the scientific content of the manuscript, explaining the background and findings, including data, and possibly discussing the importance/consequences of the findings.
Plain language summaries are optional for all manuscript types.
Here are some additional suggestions on how to write a useful plain language summary:
• Give some context to the research and details about your findings and/or strategy used.
• Explain the impact of the work (especially in relation to wider society).
• Use short sentences and write in plain English (imagine that you are trying to explain your article to a family member who doesn’t work in your subject area e.g. in a bank).
4. Introduction
5. Materials and methods
- Include the source of chemicals, reagents and hormones and give the manufacturer’s name and location (town, country) in parentheses.
- Give the generic name, dose and route of administration for drugs.
- Specify the composition of buffers, solutions and culture media.
- Use SI symbols, give concentrations in mol/L and define the term % as w/v or v/v for all solutions. For international units use IU (U should be used for enzyme activity).
- Specify the type of equipment (microscopes/objective lenses, cameras, detectors) used to obtain images.
- Specify any image acquisition software used, and give a description of specialized techniques requiring large amounts of processing, such as confocal, deconvolution, 3D reconstructions, or surface and volume rendering.
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Declaration of interest, Funding and Acknowledgements
- Employment and consultancies
- Grants, fees and honoraria
- Ownership of stock or shares
- Royalties
- Patents (pending and actual)
- Board membership
9. References
In the reference list
10. Tables
- Include a title – a single sentence at the head of the table that includes the name of the organism studied
- Use footnotes to provide any additional explanatory material, cross-referenced to the column entries
- Give a short heading for each column
- Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines, colour or shading
- Explain all abbreviations used in the table in the footnotes
11. Figures
- Number figures in the order they are cited in the text
- Include legends to all figures, giving the figure number, keys to any symbols used, the name of the organism studied, the names of any statistical tests used and the probability levels used for comparisons
- Label figure sections as A, B etc in the top left-hand corner
- Use Arial or a similar sans-serif font for text labels
- Do not enclose figures in boxes. Indicate magnification by a scale bar in the bottom right-hand corner of the image and give the measurement in the legend
- Use the preferred symbols of closed and open circles, squares and triangles. Ensure that symbols are large enough to be read clearly when the figure is reduced for publication
- Use Courier or a similar non-proportional font for amino acid, DNA, RNA and PCR primer sequences and highlight sections of homology between sequences with grey shading
Graphical Abstracts
Authors are encouraged to submit a graphical abstract with their manuscript. Graphical abstracts are peer-reviewed images which summarise the contents of the article in a concise, visual format. Graphical abstracts are not required, but are encouraged as they aid understanding and can be a useful device for sharing and promoting your research.
A graphical abstract should be submitted as a single file. The image should be original and created by the authors. Use of software such as BioRender is recommended. If using Biorender, tool must be credited in the figure caption. No element or part of the graphical abstract should be modified or adapted from copyrighted work. Do not include additional text within the image file. Do not use unnecessary white space or a heading ‘Graphical Abstract’ within the image file.
Image size: The image should be a minimum of 500 x 1300 pixels (height x width) or a square of 1200 pixels at a resolution of 300 dpi.
Font: Please use Arial, Helvetica, or courier in a font size of 8 pt.
Colour: Use of colour is encouraged. Colour figures should be in RGB format.
File Type: TIFF, JPG, EPS or PDF
- Line images/graphs: EPS, TIFF, high-resolution PDF, AI (Adobe Illustrator); Resolution at final published size: 1200 dpi
- Half-tone (greyscale) images: TIFF, high-resolution PDF, JPEG; Resolution at final published size: 600 dpi
- Colour images: TIFF, high-resolution PDF, JPEG. EPS or AI files can be used for graphical data and illustrations that don’t include photographs; Resolution at final published size: 300 dpi; RGB format
Guidelines and Guidance
- Discussion of current body of work and future directions
- A clear description of the authors' perspective
- Citations of other researchers' work
- May communicate original data, personal insights, and opinions
- These articles undergo peer review, have a maximum word count of 3,000, and are limited to 2 figures or table
Supplementary Data
Editorial Policies
Human Subjects Research
Human subjects
Patient consent
- Images taken from pathology slides;
- X-rays;
- Laparoscopic images;
- Images of internal organs; and
- Ultrasound images
Clinical trials
Human genotype–phenotype association studies
- Statistical analyses demonstrating the level of statistical significance of a finding should be published or at least available so that others can attempt to reproduce the reported results.
- Explicit information should be provided about the study’s power to detect a range of effects.
- The study should be epidemiologically sound, with careful accounting for potential biases in selection of subjects, characterization of phenotypes, comparability of environmental exposures (when possible) and underlying population structure in cases and controls.
- Phenotypes should be assessed according to standard definitions provided in the report.
- Associations should be consistent (within the range of expected statistical fluctuation) and reported for the same phenotypes across study subgroups or across similar phenotypes in the entire study group.
- Significance should not depend on altering the quality control methods beyond standard approaches that could change inclusion or exclusion of large numbers of samples or loci.
- Measures to assess the quality of genotype data should include results of known study sample duplicates or publicly available samples.
- The results for concordance between duplicate samples (if applicable) as well as completion and call rates per SNP and per subject should be disclosed, along with rates of missing data.
- A subset of notable SNPs should be evaluated with a second technology that verifies the same result with excellent concordance, because no technology is error-free.
- Associations with nearby SNPs in strong linkage disequilibrium with the putatively associated SNP should be reported (and should be similar).
- The results of replication studies of previous findings should be reported even if the results are not significant.
- Testing for differences in underlying population structure in case and control groups should be performed and reported.
- Appropriate correction for multiple comparisons across all statistical tests examined should be reported. Comparison to genome-wide thresholds should be described. Similarly, for bayesian approaches, the choice of prior probabilities should be described.
Animal studies
- Give the full binomial Latin names for all experimental animals other than common laboratory animals
- State the breed or strain and source of animals, and give details of age, weight, sex and housing
- Detail the procedures and anaesthetics used, including doses given
Experiments with genetically engineered mice
Cell lines
Authentication of cell lines
- Source of cell lines. Gifts of cell lines from individuals will not be acceptable
- Please state what the method of authentication is. For example, ATCC uses STRS analysis
- State the passage number(s) of cell lines used for the experiments described in the submission. Unless the research is specifically about senescence, lines >35 passages would not be acceptable
Genetic association case/control studies
Gene and protein nomenclature
- In gene and protein symbols, substitute Greek letters with the corresponding roman letter, eg TGFBR2 not TGFβR2
- Avoid hyphens unless they are part of the approved symbol, eg IGF1 not IGF-1
- Use arabic rather than roman numerals, eg BMPR2 not BMPRII
Mice and rats
- Gene symbols should be in italics with only the first letter capitalised, eg Sox2.
- Protein designations should be the same as the gene symbols except that all letters should be capitalised and in roman (ie not italicised), eg SOX2.
- Please use symbols approved by the International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice and the Rat Genome and Nomenclature Committee, which can be queried at the MGI website.
Humans, non-human primates and domestic species
- Gene symbols should be in italics with all letters capitalised, eg SOX2.
- Protein designations should be the same as the gene symbols but not italicised, eg SOX2.
- Please use symbols approved by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC).
- Gene symbols should be in italics with all letters in lower case, eg sox2.
- Protein designations should be the same as the gene symbols but not italicised and with the first letter capitalised, eg Sox2.
- Please use symbols approved by the Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee (ZNC), which can be queried at the ZFIN website.
Digital image integrity
- The legend to a digital image should state if and what digital modifications were applied
- Band intensity should be quantified from several independent experiments. If only a "typical" experiment is shown in the figure, authors should be prepared to provide unprocessed images of gels or blots at the request of the Editor-in-Chief.
- Extensively cropped images are not acceptable. Images can be cropped to enhance clarity of presentation, but should always contain at least two markers (one with a smaller, one with a larger molecular size than the band of interest) with their molecular sizes indicated.
- Producing spliced images by combining lanes from gels or blots from different experimental runs should be avoided. A lane containing markers should be on the same gel for each run. If spliced images are presented, the vertical lanes obtained from gels or blots from different experimental runs should be clearly demarcated with lines.
- As the validity of immunoblots relies heavily on antibody specificity, an appropriate control (tissue from knockout mice or protein knockdown in cell lines) must be included, or alternatively a reference should be given in the methods section referring to such a control (Saper 2009; Burry 2011).
- The reuse of images of loading controls from other experiments or previous publications is unacceptable.
Statistical analysis
- Describe the numbers of experimental units used and the way in which they have been allocated to treatments.
- Justify the omission of any observations from the analysis.
- Describe methods of analysis precisely and state any necessary assumptions, as these may affect the conclusions that can be drawn from the experiment.
Preprint and data repositories
Preprint repositories
Depositing data in public databases
- Addgene
- Array Express
- ClinVar
- DNA Databank of Japan
- dbGaP
- dbSNP
- dbVar
- ENA's Sequence Read Archive
- GenBank
- NCBI Trace and Short-Read Archive
- PeptideAtlas
- Protein DataBank
- PubChem
- Uniprot
- Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Licence and Copyright policy
During the submission process the submitting author will need to complete a publication agreement on behalf of the co-authors and the copyright holder for the article. As part of this agreement, the copyright holder will grant the Society for Endocrinology, the European Society of Endocrinology and Bioscientifica a non-exclusive licence to publish the article. The copyright is retained by the original copyright holder and is not assigned to the Society for Endocrinology, European Society of Endocrinology or Bioscientifica.
Authors may download a copy of this agreement in advance.
Society for Endocrinology Journal Awards
Privacy policy