Klinefelter Syndrome Workshop Collection
This collection has been put together following the 3rd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome, Trisomy X, and XYY, held on 12–14 September 2022 in Leiden.
The collection is guest edited by Professor Claus Gravholt.
Articles published within this workshop collection
New developments and future trajectories in supernumerary sex chromosome abnormalities: a summary of the 2022 3rd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome, Trisomy X, and XYY
Claus H Gravholt et al.
Biochemical identification of prepubertal boys with Klinefelter syndrome by combined reproductive hormone profiling using machine learning
Andre Madsen, Anders Juul, and Lise Aksglaede
Unique plasma metabolite signature for adolescents with Klinefelter syndrome reveals altered fatty acid metabolism
Shanlee M Davis et al.
Neurocognitive and behavioral development in young children (1–7 years) with sex chromosome trisomy
Sophie van Rijn et al.
(Not) getting what you want: frustration and emotion regulation in children with sex chromosome trisomies
Kimberly Kuiper et al.
A transcriptomic signature of X chromosome overdosage in Saudi Klinefelter syndrome induced pluripotent stem cells
Veronica Astro et al.
Reproductive hormones, bone mineral content, body composition and testosterone therapy in boys and adolescents with Klinefelter syndrome
Hans Valdemar López Krabbe et al.